Pumpkins & Panic Attacks: What Makes us Anxious about Halloween?

Pumpkins & Panic Attacks: What Makes us Anxious about Halloween?

Whilst for some, the idea of dressing up and partying to certified ‘Halloween bops’ until the break of dawn sounds like the ideal way to spend a Tuesday night, for others this image conjures up incredible amounts of anxiety and dread.

The aftermath of predrinks, Image credits: Amala Parry

50% of people who took the survey admitted to feeling some level of anxiety about Halloween.

Pie chart displaying answers to the question ‘Have you ever experienced fear or anxiety on Halloween or around the Halloween season?’ based on a survey conducted by Amala Parry in October 2023, Image credit: SurveyMonkey

Bar chart displaying answers to the question ‘Which of the following makes you the most anxious about Halloween?’ based on a survey conducted by Amala Parry in October 2023, Image credit: SurveyMonkey

Pie chart displaying answers to the question ‘Which of the following do you most associate with Halloween?’ based on a survey conducted by Amala Parry in October 2023, Image credit: SurveyMonkey

46.67% of respondents claimed to have felt pressure around Halloween to participate in certain activities such as dressing up, going to parties or socialising.

Pie chart displaying answers to the question ‘Have you ever felt pressure around Halloween to participate in certain activities e.g. dressing up, going to parties, drinking?’ based on a survey conducted by Amala Parry in October 2023, Image credit: SurveyMonkey

I do enjoy socialising with friends but it is stressful and there is pressure to go to big parties

Response to the question ‘Do you enjoy Halloween?’

The holiday favours ‘socialising with peers, as opposed to family’, thereby leading to some ‘complicated social dynamics amoung peers’.

Michelle. P. Maidenberg, PhD- ‘Halloween Is Breeding Anxiety for Kids and Teenagers Socially’ from the site: ‘Psychology Today’

Emetaphobia, or the fear of sick, is estimated to affect up to 8% of the population and is an extremely valid reason to feel anxiety around Halloween.

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