Tag: England


BookTuber Gavin Hetherington joins the ReadsbetweenTheTyne podcast to discuss the growth of bookish social media during and post pandemic. https://soundcloud.com/grace-boyle-354994390/growth-of-bookish-social-media-during-the-pandemic?si=8b4832eb32434b1589e239f52755e575&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Gavin is a local booktuber based in Gateshead with over 78 000 subscribers on his platform. "Having the real life of the bookseller mixed with an online life of a booktuber are two worlds that beautifully met."- Gavin Hetherington In this podcast, Gavin and I discuss how book social media in the pandemic grew drastically on TikTok and how this has changed and impacted books, readers, authors and the industry. Delving into topics such...

Welcome to my page

My name is Grace and I am a student at Newcastle University studying Journalism, Media and culture and I have created this page as a part of my Journalism Practice for Digital Audiences module. https://youtu.be/6Kn_hP_JLtg?si=TjYFamTN6u-RHy5w A bit about me is that I am from Cambridge, and I moved up here to the North-East over a year ago. Alongside my degree I am a writer for Newcastle University’s paper The Courier and I run the Media and Journalism society I co-founded. Away from University I love to go to the market, try out new coffee shops, go for day trips to nearby towns and I also LOVE to read! Reading has been a big hobby of mine for the last couple years after rediscovering it during lockdown. My personal tastes are more fiction and my go to genre is currently dark...