Football has a long and rich history in English sport. Modern football emerged in the 19th century, and since then, it has been played in schools, across the globe, and on TV screens everywhere. There are millions of fans worldwide supporting ‘the beautiful game’, and there is no doubt that stakes and emotions run high in the sport.
The majority of those I surveyed said that they were big fans of football and held team allegiances. And it was clear why they love the sport, citing that the core idea they have of football is ‘community’. However, when asked if they thought that football was an inclusive environment, it was more of a mixed bag.
There are many different types of fan chants: pride and support for their club, individual chants for favourite players, phrases to express their disagreement with a referee’s decision, and meaner, more explicit ones in an attempt to throw the opposition off.
There have been many instances in the news of chants getting out of hand, violence and riots on match day, and even teams getting fined for homophobic language in stadiums. (The most recent being a £120,000 fine for Luton back in November last season.) 38% of those I asked had heard language alluding to a person’s sexuality, 28% for racial language, and over half for threats of assault.
Some expressed their discomfort, “When I hear it it makes me slightly anxious seeing how riled up people can get”, and “I can see how it would have an effect on others, especially marginalised people who have been excluded from supporting UK football for many years.” One person explained that he was brought up by gay parents, saying that “homophobic language (e.g. “Chelsea Rent Boy” chants last season) makes me fairly uncomfortable and has stopped my dad from going to games on occasion.” So why is language that causes discomfort still accepted in football?

It comes down to the tribalism and tradition of the sport. University of Leeds Professor Tony Crowley notes, “The chanting of what sounds like abuse… is one of the elements of being a fan. The function of these songs is not to insult, but to produce a communal bond and identity through repeated performances of empty hostility.”
That is echoed by my respondents, who said, ”Playful chants aren’t serious and make up some of the performative back and forth that forms the backbone of football’s atmosphere and culture,” and “often a lot of the profanity is in these more general chants which do add to the atmosphere.” Ultimately, 90% of my audience felt that fan language had no impact on if they would attend another match in the future.
So how did such typically undesirable language come to be? A lot of this stems from the familial bond that many fans have. Many fans take on their relatives’ favourite team, or where the closest club is in relation to their home. Coupled by those whose family own season tickets – fans have said that they know their seat neighbours well from years of repeat attendance at their home ground. One of the people I surveyed said, “As a kid I thought it was pretty run of the mill and it was my main exposure to these types of language.”
“As a kid I thought it was pretty run of the mill and it was my main exposure to these types of language.”
Most stadiums have a family stand where it is hopefully a little quieter, and being surrounded by other families mean that language is cleaner. However, there are occasions where the family stand is close to away/loud sections or stadium-wide chants that mean that language isn’t always 100% avoidable. The opinion whether children are adequately safeguarded was mixed among my responses, with some noting that it is a good consideration that does help to a degree, versus some who don’t think there is a realistic way to sanitise language and believe that as long as the parents are watching their behaviour, that sort of language is part of growing up in football.
In all, football is an incredibly tribal sport. It can be difficult and intimidating for new people to get into without family, especially if they are unused to the language that is boldly used by many without a thought. While racism and homophobia have largely been curtailed in the last few years, there is still a long way to go for true inclusivity. However, there have been leaps and bounds made as societal norms have changed, and football will never lose its following as long as it is still being played. My respondents said, “I think other sports lack the atmosphere and it definitely adds to the experience. The language aspect doesn’t bother as long as it’s not too personal,” and “I love my club and take great pride in supporting a historic football league club.” That connection runs deep for fans worldwide, and at the core of it all, they want to support their team as loudly as possible.