The Interesting People of a Car Meet in the Northeast

29th October 2023

Of the many people we spoke to at the Ryhope car meet on the 29th of October, 2 people stood out the most, one for the circumstances of how he came to own his car, the other for his trench leather coat and jungle hat, which we should add is pretty darn cool.

Daniel Rooney, a car enthusiast who drove all the way from Carlisle was in attendance at the SDCVS car meet at Ryhope Engine Museum.

With him was his 2000 Apple Austin Maestro that he won in a Facebook raffle for £20. According to Rooney, that car is one of the last ten examples of this model of Maestros in existence. This very example of the Maestro is an export from Bulgaria. Also a member of multiple car clubs, including the Austin Maestro club, Rooney finds himself at car meets all over the country every weekend. Amongst his collection of cars is his original Mini.

I also spoke with Roly Ratfink Adams, a retiree who spends his days working on cars, attending car meets, and just traveling. Recently, Adams began rebuilding his 1991 Talbot Kontiki. Purchasing it with his pension, he aims to add solar panels and a massive 240-volt inverter. Once it is finished, he also plans to add a trailer finished in the same colour as the camper and his two motorcycles.

Photos of the motorhome on its past travels.

With plans to continue rebuilding the motorhome once the weather gets warmer, Adams has left the motorhome within the confines of a friend’s property, patiently awaiting the change of seasons.

It was a wonderful experience speaking to the many characters present at that car meet we attended. It was a fantastic representation of the friendliness and homeliness car meets in the Northeast exude. What should be on the list of things to do while in the Northeast for any car enthusiast should be to visit a car meet.

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