Reporter: Suphanida J.

Tyneside Life YouTube channel’s impressive growth highlights effective strategy and external influences, aside from Shorts., while the expert stresses Shorts’ role as engaging standalone content, instead of being a trailer of the full content.

27 July 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne – For the past couple years, YouTube has issued the announcement and the policies to encourage YouTubers to focus more on viewers and content quality rather than using clickbait or only making the title and thumbnail appealing. YouTube Shorts and relevant suggestions functions have been also established to benefit content creators around the world.

Eddy Hope, the owner of two channels –  Tyneside Life  and Hiking Britain – shared to The MINE about the impact of the YouTube algorithm on his channels as well as other external factors behind the growth of them.

In response to critics of Shorts, Alan Spicer, a YouTube Certified Consultant in the UK, has explained that the approach to YouTube shorts should differ from that of longer YouTube content. Shorts should be regarded as small, engaging, and entertaining snippets aimed at capturing attention.

“If you are using them as mini adverts for your long-form videos, like mini trailers or teasers, this can alienate the audience and they flick off. A short should be a self-contained video that stands up on its own, otherwise, people just flick away,” added the expert.

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