The climate in the UK – politically, economically and socially – is becoming increasingly difficult.
Below is everything you need to know about your local Newcastle authorities and their responsibility to account for local community needs. Going beyond this, how are these acknowledgements being advanced to ensure the economic safety of its residents and overall.
Finally, this explainer outlines the importance of the ‘Department for Work and Pensions’ and how they continue to provide economic assurance for local areas.
For those who are not aware of ‘The Local Government Boundary Commission’, they are an independent body who are accountable to parliament.
Their presence aims to inform local authorities so that, in turn, they can remain loyal to community needs.
With this aim in mind, the commission provides reviews to the local community, bridging the connection between you and your local representatives.
This is instrumental in holding your local [Newcastle] city council to a standard that positively impacts you.
This is crucial in such a tough economic climate.
To be aware of this organisation, is to more efficiently have your voice be of salient importance to the council and become a part of larger success within Newcastle.
Below can be found a visual representation of how this body of authority has impacted your local representatives, the boundaries and the percentage of Newcastle citizens that each ward represents:

The city council is the local authority body, which intends to serve the needs of the community.
Made up of 78 councillors, their aim is to ensure that Newcastle remains sound both economically and politically.
All councillors meet eight times on an annual basis to discuss the key issues facing the city and to debate policies and budgeting to ensure the city remains optimally functional.
Additionally, it is the responsibility of local councillors to raise issues which are deemed ‘Notice of Motions’.
Guidelines on what can be brought to your local representatives/councillors can be found here.
It is crucial that you remain in contact with your local representatives and hold them to account for any decisions that are made that do not reflect your needs as well as the collective community.
The city council is also improving the city with many initiatives focusing on Northumberland Street, Grey Street and Eldon Square.
This aims to bring more tourism to Newcastle and provide more opportunities for businesses and those currently looking for work. Many of these council movements do not compromise the efficacy of the proposed budget in that they are funded, or to be funded, by national government flagships.
For instance, the plans for Northumberland Street are powered by the Levelling Up Fund.
This comprises £4.8b nationwide to improve local communities with a particular focus on public transport and, as is the case for Newcastle, improving high street standards.
You may be thinking:
Why is this important?
Well, of course increased standards within the streets of Newcastle will boost tourism which helps with the local economy by extension.
That being said, work is provided in the construction projects themselves which shows the council’s emphasis on economic growth.
The Department for Work and Pensions is currently the largest public service department in the UK.
They are responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy.
Cost-of-living remains prominent, and it is up to the DWP to provide assurance to claimants of the benefit system.
I spoke with a person on the department’s telephony team here in the Northeast about the importance of their role and what it means to provide reassurance within the current government:
About any increased calls regarding cost of living, they stated that ‘the influx of calls increased, obviously, especially after COVID’ and that the department ‘put more telephony agents on [the line] to deal with that’.
It is important to mention that the government have recently announced drastic changes to the benefit system and Universal Credit due to a UK ‘sick note culture’.
I asked if the government are actively making efforts to ensure that UK citizens are accounted for through the DWP, they stated
‘Absolutely… because a lot of the claimants we have are the most vulnerable in society’.
Going on to state that ‘the support network [the department] is there for them’.
We discussed the difficulties of providing for people when cost-of-living remains an issue for many people, where they stated
‘If anything I can be more empathetic because I’ve been in that situation’
In a climate which erodes authoritative ability to provide for local residents, Newcastle City Council have shown their efforts to remain faithful to the community in such a way that fosters more economic security moving forward.